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How to Manage a Fish Farm
Fish Production levels are low compared to demand worldwide. Human population growth and food demand have always been at variance with food production efforts. The result in fisheries has always generally been that most natural water bodies are over fished especially in the Nigerian waters.
In Nigeria, 55% of the citizens rely on fish for their source of protein intake and thus contribute to a demand-supply gap of 1.0 metric ton annually. The natural water bodies are generally subject to over fishing therefore, fish farming or aquaculture have been identified as the most renewable, most cost effective way of meeting up the demand. Fish farming is therefore superior to fish capture in terms of sustainability.
Fish ponds are generally fish enclosure system designed for rearing or growing fish from fingerlings or juvenile to adult. Growing fish ponds from which they cannot escape, allows feeding, breeding, growing and harvesting the fish in a well planned way.
With a fast generation period (6months) and a high return on the investment, fish farming could be practiced as secondary or primary occupation. In Nigeria, there is high demand for fish especially during ceremonies such as naming, marriage, festivals, burials etc. There is no religious or traditional belief against rearing and eating of fish (catfish) globally.
KACS can help you setup a profitable fish business. We offer the following services: pond construction, supply of fish seeds, feed and other farm equipment for a profitable fish farming enterprise. We deal on different types of ponds such as mobile ponds, concrete and earthen ponds. We decide what type of pond is best for your land based on soil texture and topography of the land. We can also help to manage your ponds effectively for maximum production.
KACS is reliable and consistent in its approach towards achieving best pond management practices for maximum output.

Fish makes up a major part of the people’s diet in Nigeria.
Utilizing huge areas of unproductive idle land and water bodies for good production.
Reducing the burden on capture fishery
Producing high-priced commodities for export and consequently for earning foreign exchange