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How to Manage a Rabbit Farm
Rabbit Farming Business is one of the most profitable and lucrative business throughout the world. One can obtain decent profits with a proper rabbit farming business plan. As meat consumption is increasing and rabbit meat is considered as healthy and nutritious. Commercial rabbit farming has different steps to consider to be successful in rabbit farming business. You must learn some basics of rabbit farming and their management before starting on a large scale. There are many training centers available for taking the livestock courses. Department of Livestock or animal husbandry in your region is the best source for the rabbit training information.
Rabbit farming requires less space and little investment compared to other livestock business and results in good profits. Rabbits can eat ordinary feed and convert them into a protein-rich high- quality meat which is very economic. Rabbits can also be reared for hide and fur. Rabbit farming business can be ideal for people who are looking for additional income and a part-time work or landless people and uneducated youth and women.
One can fulfill their family quality protein-rich meat requirements by rabbit rearing business. Rabbits do not require high-cost feed and can be fed with easily available leaves, waste vegetables, fruits, grains available in the home or backyards. In case of broiler rabbits, the growth rate is very high and you can expect 2 kg weight gain at the age of 90 days (3 months). Litter size in Rabbit farming is very high than any other livestock. Usually, you can expect 8 to 12 kittings in a single birth. When compared to the other meats rabbit meat contains 21% of protein & 8% of fat. So rabbit meat is suitable for all age groups.
Rabbit farming business can be started in the backyard within a small shed which can be constructed by locally available materials with a low investment. Make sure the location and shed being constructed is secured from harsh climates and other predators such as dogs, cats etc. Generally, Rabbits can be reared in two systems of housing methods; deep litter and cage or hutch systems.
Rabbits reared in deep litter system are more vulnerable to diseases. Management of rabbits in this system of rearing very difficult.
Need Help to Setup a Rabbit Farm?
KACS can help you setup a profitable rabbit production business. We offer the following services: cage/hutch construction, supply of weaners and parent stock, feed and other farm equipment for a profitable rabbit production enterprise. We deal on different breeds of rabbits with good track records. We decide what type of structure is best for your land based on location and topography of the land. We can also help to manage your farm effectively for maximum production.
KACS is reliable and consistent in its approach towards achieving best rabbit production and management practices for maximum output.