Experts say there is little hope of improvement without significant investment in irrigation, mechanization, roads and storage. More than 12% of rice is also wasted due to poor roads and inefficient harvesting, milling and storage, consultants KPMG said in a review of the Nigeria’s rice industry.
Source: U.N. Food Administration
Our mission is to use our rice mill to create economic power for local farmers and awareness about the nutritional qualities and historic relevance of organically grown rice. We plan to train local farmers on how to manage their farms using technology and human capital. Unlike any, SWEERGLOBAL uses business solution: Agri-Technology, digital marketing & retail tools.
Our vision is seeing rice-growers in Nigeria's South-South lead the rice industry as they move the economic timetable towards prosperity. With farming, still the highest earning method in the region, training a new generation of young farmers in modern farming methodologies will create jobs and preserve the rich traditional planting methods.
Community Response To A Rice Mill

Rice-growers in the Delta Region see the development as a great opportunity for local farmers who currently are travelling to neighboring states to mill their yield. We are also celebrating the hundreds of people whose life could be transformed through the help of “The Plan”
The Plan is to build the largest rice mill in Africa and encourage healthy lifestyle among our customer base, which includes you. The project is open to local and foreign investors, stakeholders and local communities.
Dr. Thaddaeus Thompson, Ph.D.

"A bowl of healthy Organic SWEERGLOBAL Rice as brunch, 2 hours after my morning protein shake refills my energy tanks for the next class to teach. Rice as a source of carbohydrate releases enormous amount of energy into my metabolism. I use this energy to face off my daily stress. It is counter-productive if you do not use it."
/// Marcha Kramer
Nutrition Coach

“My organization is well pleased with the urgency surrounding every order and delivery that we have experienced receiving supplies from rice growers. We can without concern that our customers will receive their orders timely as we promised, especially having a rice mill and a rice farm in the Niger Delta Region. Thank you SWEERGLOBAL company.”

Mr. Azebi
Farms Director
/// Abiola Johnson - Supplier MD
“I am a College Campus Cook. We serve Organic Rice 5 times a week as main meals and our students love it. We can cook different meals ranging from jollof rice to rice pudding. A rice mill in the Delta region will likely reduce the price of a bag of rice, which is currently very high as suppliers cite high transportation cost for the reason of the price hike. A rice mill is a welcome idea.”
/// Ibrahimah Mustafa
Chief Cook

Mrs. Naomi Azebi
Asst. Farms Director