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Picking Weeds


SWEERGLOBAL Rice plans to go into partnership with local rice growers and introduce farm management technology to help local farmers reach 80% of their trade potentials. We encourage rice growers who traditionally grew rice for household consumption  using seeds and seedlings from the previous crop that were mostly resistant to pests and disease to continue with backward integration. We encourage local rice grower to continue this traditional method of rice farming, and we reward growers for preserving organic farming.


Starting Your Rice Farm.



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We are a business solutions company specialized in modern farming management technology using agile business marketing tools, farm management applications, branding and website designing tools to help farmer effectively compete in their industries globally. Partnering with us will expose your business to powerful marketing tools that will give you an edge in the competition. 
Partnership Request, Partnership Inquires Form
You must be 18 years or older to apply and have a valid business that relates to rice farming

Thanks for submitting partnership request!

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