About Affordable Homes Cooperative Society
Our Philosophy: Hardworking Citizens should be able to own a home.
If you are a hardworking with a steady income, and you want to own a house, call or make an appointment to meet with an Affordable Loan Officer: CONTACT US.
Our corporate philosophy is that synergy is derived from cooperation. The journey to genuine wealth is a long one and better undertaken not just by one person but by many of like minds and aspirations. As the sage says “if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go together”. Wealth is created by “going together”; collaboration engenders greater capacity to create wealth.
Our Mission
Affordable Homes Cooperative Society Limited creates opportunities for its members to be provided with decent, safe, affordable housing that enhance the quality of life
Our Vision
Affordable Homes Cooperative Society Limited is committed to help create a Nigeria in which all people have decent, safe, affordable housing and economic opportunity in viable and sustainable society
Our Core Values
In our mission in pursuit of attainment of our vision we espouse the core values of diligence, dedication, competence and integrity, upholding at all times the highest level of standards.
Our Shared Values
At Affordable Homes Cooperative Society Limited
customers come first
Customers must be heard
Customers must be understood
Customers are always right

We take pride in the comfort of your home
AFFORDABLE HOMES COOPERATIVE SOCIETY is a cooperative society was founded in 2010. Since inception she has maintained a high level of integrity by meeting up with the expectations of members and other stakeholders. Our credibility is hinged on our ability to deliver on our pledges to members and associates. In all our dealings with people we strive to forge and maintain enduring, beneficial and long-lasting relationships Different benefits are available to members of the Cooperative Society for living meaningful and fulfilled lives. Since inception the organization has achieved modest track records in their contributions to housing for members. She currently has over 400 persons that have tapped into opportunities provided for owning affordable housing.